70 year old woman beats husband with hammer for watching porn

A 70 year old woman and grandmother of three, Lynda Holmes attacked and beat her 78 year old husband  Gordon Holmes - with a 'meat hammer' after she caught him watching porn at their home. 

Why? Because they have had no sexual relation for ten years. Mr Holmes who was left with severe head injuries, escaped her brutal onslaught and ran into the street telling neighbours his wife had gone mad. 
After her arrest, His wife later told officers that he shouldn't have dared to watch porn. According to her, "He hasn’t touched me for over 10 years and now he’s watching porn. How dare he? How do I go about getting 10 years of my life back?"

Recounting the experience, Her Husband, Gordon admitted to be partially responsible for bringing on the attack because of his ‘selfishness’. He played in a band, played golf & spent time away from home without supporting his wife, he said.

Lynda who pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm, was given a 10-month prison sentence.

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