"I have learnt not to look down on a fellow mortal, except I 'm admiring his shoes"- Goodluck Jonathan Remarks by former pres. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta, on Thursday 14th, January, 2016. He said: "I thank the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, for inviting and honoring me today, and especially so, as this invitation comes right about the period when the world stands still in recognition of the selfless sacrifice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When we think of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), it is virtually impossible to separate this worthy body from its founder, the late great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, or from epoch making landmark events of the American Civil Rights movement. I am pleased to know that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference is not just one of the great American institutions, it is also one of her more potent vehicles for the advancem...