
Showing posts from April 21, 2016

Lol. Kim and Kanye West branded ignorant in Iceland

Kim and Kanye have been branded ignorant in Iceland by locals after the couple, who traveled to the country for Kourtney's 37th birthday, kept accusing each other of passing gas. What they failed to realize is that they are on a volcanic island and what they're actually smelling is sulfurous fumes...                                                                   Read more » Follow @cool_jist  

70 year old woman beats husband with hammer for watching porn

A 70 year old woman and grandmother of three, Lynda Holmes attacked and beat her 78 year old husband  Gordon Holmes - with a 'meat hammer' after she caught him watching porn at their home.  Why? Because they have had no sexual relation for ten years. Mr Holmes who was left with severe head injuries, escaped her brutal onslaught and ran into the street telling neighbours his wife had gone mad.                                                                         Read more » Follow @cool_jist  

Photo: Nigerian soldier survives 3 rocket propelled grenades thrown at him by Boko Haram

Nonso Kamoflage, a Nigerian soldier fighting the war against Boko Haram in the North East, took to his Facebook wall to thank God for saving him from three rocket propelled grenades thrown at him by Boko Haram members during an attack. Follow @cool_jist