BREAKING NEWS: One jihadi is shot dead and a woman suicide bomber blows herself up in dramatic gunfight at Paris apartment where mastermind of terror attacks is surrounded by 100 officers

Paris attacks’ Saint Denis raid sees police kill woman in a suicide belt
SWAT teams and special forces have surrounded an apartment in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Denis - close to the Stade de France - in a siege that started at 4.30am this morning. French media are reporting the architect of the plan that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, is alive and inside the flat - until now it was thought he was in Syria orchestrating the attack from ISIS capital Raqqa. A woman jihadi is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad stormed the apartment block. A rooftop sniper is believed to have shot dead another terror suspect through a window and another is reportedly dead. Two people may been taken alive and arrested. An innocent person on the street may have been killed. The chief suspect Salah Abdeslam, 26, who was last seen by police trying to enter Belgium in the hours after the attacks involving nine gunmen, may also be inside. Machine gun fire and at least seven loud explosions, caused by the suicide bomber and several hand grenades, have been heard as the siege continues. 

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