Obama places $5 million bounty on head of key ISIS terrorist in charge of drafting recruits from the US and Europe 

Tirad al-Jarba, better known as Abu-Muhammad al-Shimali is a senior leader of the terrorist group Islamic State, and heads the moving of foreign fighters into Syria and processing the group’s new recruits there
Tirad al-Jarba, better known as Abu-Muhammad al-Shimali is a senior leader of the terrorist group Islamic State, and heads the moving of foreign fighters into Syria and processing the group’s new recruits there

A multi-million dollar bounty has been placed on the head of a key Islamic State terrorist in charge of mobilizing foreign fighters in Syria.

Barack Obama’s administration announced last night that it was offering a reward of up to $5m (£3.3m) for information leading to the location or identification of Tirad al-Jarba, better known as Abu-Muhammad al-Shimali.



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