Watch your step! It's the THIRD Friday 13th of the year: Researcher reveals why there are so many 'unlucky' days in 2015
  • An irrational fear of Friday the 13th is known as friggatriskaidekaphobia 
  • Today fear is more because its the final Friday 13th in a series of 7 years
  • Out of those years, there have been three that have had three Friday 13ths
  • Researcher claims its simply down to how months are paired together

  • If you have an irrational fear of Friday the 13th - also known as friggatriskaidekaphobia - you may have extra reason to curse your luck today.
  • That's because it's the third Friday the 13th this year, following ones in February and March.
  • It's also the final Friday the 13th in a series of seven years, in which three of those years had three Friday the 13ths.
    Today is the final Friday the 13th in a series of seven years, in which three of those years had three Friday the 13ths. Six year ago, there were three Friday the 13ths, and the same thing occurred in 2012, and now again this year. Is this a sign we're in for bad luck?
    Today is the final Friday the 13th in a series of seven years, in which three of those years had three Friday the 13ths. Six year ago, there were three Friday the 13ths, and the same thing occurred in 2012, and now again this year. Is this a sign we're in for bad luck?
    Six year ago, there were three Friday the 13ths, and the same thing occurred in 2012, and now again this year. Is this a sign we're in for bad luck?
    'This might be disappointing, but... that's just the way our calendar works,' Tom Fernsler, an associate policy scientist at the University of Delaware, told LiveScience.

  • Fernsler explained that when Friday the 13th falls in May, June or August, it will be the only one of the year.
    This is because no other month of the year has the same date pattern as May, June or August
    This year January 1st fell on a Thursday. The same is true for October 1st, which means that January and October have the same date patterns.
    You may want to carry around more lucky charms today.  That's because it's the third Friday 13th this year, following ones in February and March
    You may want to carry around more lucky charms today.  That's because it's the third Friday 13th this year, following ones in February and March
    According to LiveScience, on years with two Friday the 13ths, that date falls in a month that has the same date pattern as another month.
    This means if there's a Friday the 13th in January, October will also have one. April and July are also paired, as are September and December.


    Avoid walking under ladders
    Do not break a mirror
    In buildings avoid the 13th floor. On airplanes, avoid aisle 13.
    Don't put new shoes on a table.
    Avoid cracks in the pavement.
    Don't let a black cat cross your path
    Cross your fingers
    Rub a beneficent stone
    Throw salt over your left shoulder
    Carry around a lucky charm
    When there are three Friday 13ths in one year, it's most likely because the date also falls in February.
    February is paired with March on non-leap years, and March and November also have the same data pattern.
    'Prior to 2009, we saw three Friday the 13ths in three different years in a sequence of seven years during 1981, 1984 and 1987,' said Fernsler.
    He said we'll see the same thing in 2037, 2040 and 2043.
    But if you avoid walking under ladders today, then take some comfort in knowing they are not alone.
    More than 60 million people worldwide are claimed to suffer from fear of Friday 13th.
    It is believed the superstitions over Friday the 13th stem from two separate fears - the fear of the number 13 and the fear of Fridays, which both have their roots in Christian theology.
    Thirteen is the number of people who were present at the Last Supper and Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th member of the party to arrive.
    And Friday was the day on which Jesus was crucified. Others say it has its roots in anti-paganism.
    In Norse mythology, the beloved hero Balder was killed at a banquet by the mischievous god Loki, who crashed the party of twelve, bringing the group to 13.
    This story, as well as the story of the Last Supper, led to one of the most entrenched 13-related beliefs - that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.
    It is believed the superstitions over Friday the 13th stem from two separate fears - the fear of the number 13 and the fear of Fridays, which both have their roots in Christian theology. Thirteen is the number of people who were present at the Last Supper and Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th member of the party to arrive
    It is believed the superstitions over Friday the 13th stem from two separate fears - the fear of the number 13 and the fear of Fridays, which both have their roots in Christian theology. Thirteen is the number of people who were present at the Last Supper and Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th member of the party to arrive


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